Presentation: Plant of the Month – B ignita

Plant of the Month is a quick overview of species and cultivars. A bit of the history and taxonomy, and some culture tips but kept to a short format. B. ignita is a lovely Begonia from the Island of Sulawesi in Indonesia and got its name from its orange colored flowers – in Latin ‘igneaus’ means […]

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Presentation: Plant of the Month – B goldingiana & B ruhlandiana

Plant of the Month is a quick overview of species and cultivars. A bit of the history and taxonomy, and some culture tips but kept to a short format. B. goldingiana & B. ruhlandiana are two similar Brazilian species. Comparing and contrasting between the two is a great way to refine your Begonia identification skills! […]

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Presentation: Plant of the Month – B. aurantiflora

Plant of the Month is a quick overview of species and cultivars. A bit of the history and taxonomy, and some culture tips but kept to a short format. Begonia aurantiflora (sect. Coelocentrum) from limestone areas in Guangxi, China, is one of the few species in China with orange flowers. PowerPoint: Plant of the Month […]

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Presentation: Begonia Leaf Characteristics

This presentation covers all basic leaf characteristics in a simple, beginner friendly fashion. It also covers some key points in nomenclature, tips on using botanical Latin, and modern horticulture. Great photos to underline plant descriptions, explaining botany botany and identification. PowerPoint: Begonia Leaf Characteristics Speaker Notes: Begonia Leaf Characteristics Handout: Begonia Leaf Characteristics

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Presentation: How Begonia Species Get Their Names

This is a wonderfully detailed, advanced topic covering over 30 species of Begonias, who discovered them and when, as well as the reasons for the names they were given. This program can be done at one meeting, but also might be something that can be done as a smaller spotlight of each meeting, as it […]

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