2023 ABS Student Convention Grants

2023 ABS Student Convention Grants

Xing-Chen Li (Jasmine Lee) next to Begonia grandis Dryland, is a Master’s Degree candidate at the College of Forestry, Guizhou University, Guizhou, China. She was awarded a Student Convention Grant. She sent in a pre-recorded mp4, slide show presentation,...
Growing Your Begonias

Growing Your Begonias

You bought some begonias and now you are wondering how to keep them alive? It is easy, though you first need to learn the basics. Here you will find a library of basic information to help you! Visit our Growing Begonias page to get the lowdown on potting soils,...
What Begonia is This?

What Begonia is This?

One of the most common questions ABS gets is “What kind of Begonia do I have?” or “What is the name of my Begonia?” Here we aim to give you answers to these questions (and more), and all on one page. Whether your question is: What type of Begonia do I have? What is...

