Pruning Cane Begonias

Pruning Cane Begonias

Maintaining a healthy Begonia collection requires regular pruning to keep plants healthy and looking their best. When to prune: In northern climates most people prune in fall when they bring their plants indoors, but mostly this is a space saving decision and is not...
Growing Media

Growing Media

Even with plants that you intend to keep in the same pot over time, you need to change the mix regularly so that the plant grows well and thrives. This is because elements of your potting mix break down over time, and the mix will lose its draining qualities and air...
Potting and Repotting

Potting and Repotting

Correct potting is very important to Begonia culture. The size and type of pot will determine to a large extent whether your plant will thrive. Regular repotting is essential to the well-being of your begonias, especially in their first few years as they are growing...


Where to begin? Well, like all living organisms, plants need nutrients. They take available nutrients from soil and water. According to Wikipedia, “fertilizer” is any material of natural or synthetic origin applied to soil or to plant tissues to supply plant...
Growing Begonias in Terrariums

Growing Begonias in Terrariums

Growing begonias in a terrarium is simply growing them in a vessel that creates a balanced environment while providing adequate humidity. Terrariums are used for growing begonias that need this balance in order to grow and thrive. Terrariums are also useful for...

